Your system integrator for 3D and 2D image processing
We help you with the selection and use of industrial image processing for production optimization and quality assurance. With steadily growing acceptance and importance, this technology has now become an integral part of modern automation and production technology.
Whether it's quality control, complex production monitoring or the controlled use of robotics: Technologically, industrial image processing is almost always able to meet the diverse requirements of industrial manufacturing and production in terms of cycle times, accuracy, reliability and individuality.
However, solutions for given problems and their implementation in the production processes are not obvious, but require serious examination and identification with operational framework conditions again and again.
You will see the importance of our philosophy of "seeing, recognizing, understanding" again and again in our proposed solutions for your task.

Beispiel Applikationen
Sie sind auf der Suche nach einer bestimmten Applikation. Schauen Sie sich einen Auszug unserer Beispiele an. Sie haben die Wahl: Deep Learnig Technologie oder klassischer Bildverarbeitung.
Sie finden keine Applikation die Ihrer Anfrage ähnelt? Kein Problem, wir finden auch für Ihre Aufgabe das richtige System. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute.

Pharma Applikationen
Die Visuelle Technik GmbH ist ein starker Partner, wenn es um Applikationen im Pharma Bereich geht. Wir bieten Ihnen GMP und FDA konforme Systeme. Einer Validierung Ihres Systems steht somit nichts im Weg. Gerne begleiten wir Sie bei der Valdierung.
Können wir Ihnen bei der Anschaffung eines Bildverarbeitungssystems für Pharma-Applikationen weiterhelfen? Dann Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute.
3D and 2D image processing systems from Visuelle Technik ensure consistently high product quality and meet the highest demands of your customers. Consecutive errors, scrap or rework are avoided and costs are reduced. As a system integrator, we offer you our specialist knowledge and many years of experience, from analysis to integration: regardless of the industry - for companies of all sizes.

Recording of the general conditions and support in defining the system parameters
Every task is special, so we help you with the system design. Advice plays a particularly important role here in order to find an economical, high-performance system for you.

Feasibility analysis and concept design
Experience has shown that materials and textures are never the same. For this reason, you will only receive a clear statement and an offer from us when we are sure that we can implement your application.

Development and software creation according to your specifications
The creation of the test algorithms and the adaptation of the user interface and interfaces reflect the development process after the order was placed.

Commissioning on site
We put our systems into operation directly at the plant. It is important to us to keep the times as short as possible through clear specifications and definitions. Your production should continue...

Training and service:
The training of the operating personnel and the system setter is an important part so that you can maintain the system yourself. We are happy to offer you service and maintenance contracts to guarantee you 100% security with our systems in the long term.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Welche Marken bzw. Komponentengersteller integrieren Sie?
Grundsätzlich sind wir ein freier Systemintegrator und somit setzen wir diverse Marken ein. Dennoch haben wir unsere Kernkompetenzen bei der Hochsprachenprogrammierung sowie bei COGNEX, KEYENCE und OMRON Systemen. Sofern Sie Bedarf bei einem anderen System haben nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt zu uns auf.
What do you need to be able to make us an offer?
We need as much information as possible regarding your request. It is also necessary to provide templates for a concept design. The variance of the object or test part should be visible and you should provide good samples, bad samples and limit samples. Ideally, you already have a specification that contains the requirements. Test instructions for manual control can be helpful for new designs.
Are good and bad samples always required to prepare an offer?
We cannot lay out a binding concept for you without a sample. Based on our experience, however, we can give a guide price so that you can get a rough idea of the necessary budget.
Are there any costs for a feasibility study?
no The feasibility study is usually free of charge.
How long will it take to get a feasibility statement?
As a rule, you will receive the first statements and an invitation to present the results after approx. 2 - 4 weeks. If there is conformity to your requirements or if the requirements could be defined and recorded together, you will receive your offer a few days later.
In the case of very urgent inquiries, we can also react immediately if necessary!
Can components also be obtained from you?
Yes. A component reference is possible. You are welcome to give us the item with a precise description and we will make you an offer.
What components do you use/distribute?
As a partner of many component manufacturers, we are fundamentally free to choose the right components. We only use high-quality branded products. These include, for example, COGNEX, WENGLOR, IDS, BASLER, and many more.
Are you active worldwide?
Yes. Our systems are commissioned and maintained worldwide. Here is a small excerpt of the locations where our systems are used: USA, Taiwan, China, India, Switzerland, Austria, and many more ...
Do you only conduct training at the end customer or also on your premises? Is there also general training in your laboratory?
Each system is handed over with an operator's briefing. If further training for support or further development of the system is desired, training on the system often makes sense.
The further training for your employees is held in our house at prepared training places. We would be happy to train you or your employees. Here, too, we would like to put you as a customer in the foreground and work out the training plan together so that the content is coordinated in the best possible way.
Do you also carry out retrofits of existing systems?
Yes. We would be happy to visit you, record the former and new requirements and implement them with modern components. We will be happy to advise you on the question of whether any components that are still available can be used further.
Can you also offer a test system or robot cell including your test system?
Basically, we are a system integrator for image processing systems and thus a specialist for imaging processes and the algorithmic extraction of features. We want to stay that way... but...
Yes. We can offer you complete solutions with our partners who specialize in their trade. And this procedure is often advantageous, because first a resilient, robust image processing concept should be developed. When this is in place, the appropriate automation concept is worked out. Of course, this is done via a contact person! This is either the special machine builder or we. A determination is made before the offer is made.
How are the capabilities of the systems documented?
It is important for everyone that the systems ultimately work robustly and securely. In order to keep a record here, an acceptance of the system is carried out at the end of the commissioning.
If it is about "measuring" systems that have to pass a measuring equipment capability analysis (MFA), we will design the systems from the start and record the capability in series of measurements as early as the feasibility stage. The results will be made available to you and discussed together. The procedure defined thereafter is then carried out again on the day of acceptance.
In the case of "testing" systems that have to pass test equipment capability, the previously defined errors and limit patterns are used for verification. Here, as a rule, the system carries out 20 test cycles for each defect characteristic. The features must all be reliably detected.
In which sectors are you active?
We serve all branches. The focus is on the pharmaceutical, plastics, metal and glass industries. However, our systems are used in all areas of industry. As a supplier of image processing systems in the 25th year, we have implemented many applications.
Sind die Systeme für den Pharmamarkt geeignet?
Wir vertreiben verschiedene Systeme. Gerne bieten wir Ihnen ein GMP und FDA konformes System an.
Bieten Sie auch FDA und GMP konforme Systeme an?
Ja. Wir haben dementsprechend vorbereitete Systeme.
Wie läuft eine Validierung in der Pharmaindustrie ab?
Gerne können Sie als Pharmalieferant das System mit uns gemeinsam
Sofern Sie möchten, können Sie auch uns mit der Validierung beauftragen. Wir
haben Partner, die dies bereits seit über 20 Jahren anbieten und auf diesen Weg
bereits viele Systeme in der Pharmabranche platziert. Kontaktieren Sie uns bei
Fragen hierzu.